• Bakke-McKellep AM, Sanden M, Danieli A, Acierno R, Hemre GI, Maffia M, Krogdahl A. (2008) Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) parr fed genetically modified soybeans and maize: Histological, digestive, metabolic, and immunological investigations. Res Vet Sci. 84: 395-408.
  • G.-I. Hemre, A. Sagstad, A.M. Bakke-McKellep, A. Danieli, R. Acierno, M. Maffia, M. Frøystad, Å. Krogdahl, M. Sanden (2007) Nutritional, physiological, and histological responses in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L. fed diets with genetically modified maize. Aquaculture Nutrition 13: 186-199.
  • P. Katharios, J. Iliopoulou-Georgudaki, S. Antimisiaris, T. Verri, P. Toma, R. Acierno, M. Maffia (2004) Pharmacokinetics of cephalexin in sea bream, Sparus aurata (L.), after a single intraperitoneal injection. J. Appl. Ichthyol. 20: 422-426.
  • Scordella G., S. Rubini, G. Fedrizzi and R. Bresolin, 2008. Seafood Safety Laws in E.U. Markets. Global Aquaculture Advocate, November/December 2008: 12-14.
  • Scordella G., R. Bresolin, S. Rubini and G. Fedrizzi, 2008. Food Safety and quality requirement for importing aquaculture products in European Community: present and future. World Aquaculture Conference 2008, Busan (Corea del Sud). Book of Abstract:  643. 
  • L. Zilli, R. Schiavone, V. Zonno, C. Storelli, S. Vilella. 2004. ATP concentration and b-D-glucuronidase activity as indicators of sea bass semen quality. Biology of Reproduction. Vol. 70, Issue 6.
  • De Donno A., C. Rizzo, F. Bagordo, D. Liaci, V. Zonno, S. Vilella and Gabutti G. 2004. Microbiological stability in Sparus aurata in relation to farming system. Journal of Preventive Medicine and Hygiene. Vol. 45: 31-34.
  • V. Zonno, S. Vilella and J. P. Blancheton. Land-based fish farm effluent management: technological, biological and environmental aspects. Invited lecture, Australasian Aquaculture, Sidney (Australia), 2004.
  • V. Zonno, R. Acierno, R. Schiavone, P. Toma. C. Rizzo, M. Maffia, L. Zilli and S. Vilella. Effect of the rearing system on the physiological state, quality and safety of cultured fishes. Aquaculture Europe, 2004, Barcelona (Spain), 2004.
  • Zilli L., Schiavone R., Zonno V., Storelli C., Vilella S., 2004. Adenosine Triphosphate concentration and b-D-glucuronidase activity as indicators of sea bass semen quality. Biol. Reprod. 70:1679-1684.
  • Zonno V., Vilella S., De Mitri R., Scordella G., Casola E. and Storelli C., 2004. Enhancement of partnership for definition of research and development, innovation, technology and training in aquaculture and fisheries: the integrated management of Acquatina Lagoon (Lecce - Italy). European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission (EIFAC) - 23rd Session and Symposium on Aquaculture Development – Partnership between Science and Producer Associations, Wierzba, Polonia (poster).
  • L. Zilli, R. Schiavone, L. Ingrosso, S. Marsigliante, V. Zonno, C. Storelli and S. Vilella . 2003. Calcium channels are present in the apical plasma membranes of the hepatopancreatic B-cells of Marsupenaeus japonicus. Journal of Comparative Physiology B. 173; 661-667.
  • Zilli L, Schiavone R, Zonno V, Storelli C,  Vilella S,  2003. Evaluation of DNA damage in Dicentrarchus labrax  sperm following cryopreservation. CRYOBIOLOGY Vol 47/3, 227-235
  • De Donno A., Montagna M.T., De Rinaldis A., Zonno V. and Gabutti G. 2002. Microbiological parameters in brackish water pond used for extensive and semi-intensive fish culture: Acquatina. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 134: 205-214
  • Zonno V., Marra P., Schiavone R., Caniglia P., De Nigris G., Storelli C. and Sebastiano Vilella S. 2002 Sustainable Aquaculture: new technology for treatment, disposal and possible reuse of suspended solids present in the effluent of intensive land based fish farms.  World Aquaculture 2002, Pechino (Cina) 2002.
  • Zilli L., Schiavone R., Zonno V. and Vilella S. 2002. Effect of cryopreservation on biochemical parameters and motility of the sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) sperm. Aquaculture Europe, 2002, Trieste (Italia), 2002.
  • De Donno A., Montagna M.T., De Rinaldis A., Zonno V. and Gabutti G. 2002. Microbiological parameters in brackish water pond used for extensive and semi-intensive fish culture: Acquatina. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 134: 205-214.
  • Zilli L., Schiavone R., S. Vilella, Scordella G. and Zonno V., 2003. Investigadores capturan imágenes para un analisis practico de las etapas de muda en el camarón marino. Boletìn Nicovita, vol. 9, 1: 3 pp. (http://www.nicovita.com.pe/pdf/esp/boletines/ bole_0403_01.pdf)
  • Zilli L., Schiavone R., S. Vilella, Scordella G. and Zonno V., 2003. Researchers capture images for practical molt stage analysis in shrimp. Global Aquaculture Advocate, October 2003: 56-57.
  • Zilli L., Schiavone R., Scordella G., Zonno V., Verri T., Storelli C. and S. Vilella, 2003. Changes in cell type composition and enzymatic activities in the hepatopancreas of Marsupenaeus japonicus during the moulting cycle. Journal Comparative Physiology Part B, 173: 355-363.
  • Basset A., Cenci R.M., Ravera O., Musmeci L., Pinna M., Vignes F., Fiocca A., Sangiorgio F., Negro O., Tulipano M, Zonno V., Scordella G., Silvestri C., Ottolenghi F., Giordano P., De Vito G. e Cairo V., 2003. Analisi dei fattori perturbativi alla base delle morie ittiche nei Bacini di Ugento (Lecce) e definizione dei modelli procedurali di gestione dei canali. Università degli Studi di Lecce, Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Biologiche ed Ambientali. European Communities Pubblication, EUR 20692/IT: 144 pp..
  • Zilli L., Schiavone R., Zonno V., Scordella G., Storelli C. and Vilella S., 2002. Relationship between molting stages and ATPase activity in hepatopancreatic R cells of Penaeus japonicus. 53° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Fisiologia, Ferrara, Italia (poster).
  • Scordella G. and Zecca P., 2002. Shrimp farming in Italy: status and perspectives. Global Aquaculture Advocate, August 2002: 50-52.
  • Zilli L., Schiavone R., Scordella G., Zonno V. and Vilella S., 2002. Relationship between molting stages and transporter activities in hepatopancreatic R-cells of Penaeus japonicus. World Aquaculture 2002, Beijing, (Cina). Book of Abstract: 932.
  • Zilli L., Scordella G., Zonno V., Storelli C. e Vilella S., 2001. Correlazione fra il ciclo di muta e la variazione in composizione cellulare dell'epatopancreas di Penaeus (Marsupenaeus) japonicus. Conferenza Internazionale di Acquacoltura, Verona. Book of Abstract: 90.
  • Ingrosso L., R. Chiloiro,  A. Danieli, V. Zonno, P. Alifano, S. Vilella, T. Verri  and C. Storelli . Assesment of DNA vaccine potential for Gilthead seabream  (Sparus aurata) by intramuscolar injection for a reporter gene. CNB5 L’Aquila 13-15 Settembre 2001
  • Verri T., L Zilli., A. Mandal, D. Bossa, P.K. Mandal, L. Ingrosso, V. Zonno, S. Vilella, G. Ahearn and C. Storelli. D-glucose uptake in isolated cells of lobster hepatopancreatic epithelium. Experimental Biology 2000, San Diego-California, 15-18 April 2000
  • V. Zonno, R. Acierno, M. Maffia, C. Tanzarella, G. De Nigris, R. Schiavone, S. Vilella and C. Storelli. Muscle lipid composition and intestinal function in intensively reared sea bream (Sparus aurata) fed three different diets. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Liege-Belgium, 24-28 July 2000
  • Schiavone, V. Zonno,  and C. Storelli. Effect of different diets on: muscle lipidid composition, intestinal function and winter survival in intensively reared sea bream (Sparus aurata).  CNB5 L’Aquila 13-15 Settembre 2001
  • Lumare F., Scordella G., Sanna A. and Conides A., 2000. Effects of dietary cholesterol content on the growth and survival of Marsupenaeus japonicus (Decapoda, Penaeidae) post-larvae (PL4-PL21) fed on compound diets. Riv. Ital. di Acquacol., 35: 137-146.
  • Zanella L., Tessarin C., Cattelan R., Scordella G. and Grimaldi E., 2000. Seasonal fluctuations of the organic load of sediments in two ponds of a brackish-water fish farm (“valle”) located in the Po River Delta (Italian North Adriatic). Ophelia, 53 (2): 79-90.
  • Lumare F., Scordella G., Pastore M., Prato E., Zanella L., Tessarin C., Sanna A., 2000. Pond management and environmental dynamics in semiextensive culture of Penaeus japonicus (Decapoda, Penaeidae) on the northern Adriatic coast of Italy. Riv. Ital. di Acquacol., 35: 15 - 43.
  • C. Nys, J. Zambonino, G. De Nigris, A. Cirillo, P. Candreva and P. Countteau, 2000. An innovative feed for early weaning of marine fish larvae. Aquaculture 2000 Nizza.
  • P. Coutteau, R. Robles, G. De Nigris, A. Cirillo, P. Verstreate and L. Tort, 2001. Update on nutritional solution to winter syndrome in Gilthead seabream : verification at a land-based farm.
    FEA International, Febbraio 2001
  • Lumare F., Scordella G., Zanella L., Gnoni G.V., Vonghia G., Mazzotta M. and Ragni M., 1999. Growth of kuruma shrimp Penaeus japonicus and bear shrimp P. semisulcatus (Decapoda, Penaeidae) farmed in the same conditions of management and enviroment on the North-East coast of Italy. Riv. Ital. Acquacol., 34: 1 - 15.
  • Zonno V., Pagliara M.T., Vadrucci M.R. and Storelli C. 1998. Aquaculture systems management in the Acquatina (Frigole-Lecce, Italy) brackish pond. Biologia Marina Mediterranea 5 (1); 473-480.
  • Vadrucci M.R., Mele S., Marra P., Zonno V. and Magazzù G. 1998. Evoluzione del livello trofico dello stagno di Acquatina (Lecce) dal 1991 al 1996. Biologia Marina Mediterranea 5 (1); 652-657.
  • Fauvel C., Suquet M., Dreanno C., Zonno V. and Menu B. 1998. Cryopreservation of sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) spermatozoa in experimental and production simulating conditions. Aquat. Liv. Resour. 11 (6) 387-394
  • Verri T., Nocco C., Perrotta C., Vilella S., Zonno V., Costa R. and Storelli C. 1998. Improving gene transfer technology in fish by transposable elements. Biologia Marina Mediterranea 5 (3); 914-923.
  • T. De Wolfe, A. Cirillo, p. Candreva, M. Deichamann and P. Sorgeloos, 1998. Inprovements in Artemia cyst decapsulation. Atti Convegno Acquacoltura Bordeaux (Francia)
  • Lumare F., Scordella G. and Zonno V., 1998. Morphometric study on a population of Penaeus monodon, Fabricius 1798, farmed in a “fishery valle” of the delta Po River (North - East coast of Italy). Oebalia, 24: 131 - 143.
  • Lumare F., Scordella G., Zanella L. e Tessarin C., 1996. Ovarian maturation and reproduction in captivity of Penaeus monodon (Decapoda, Penaeidea), on the North - East coast of Italy. Oebalia, 22: 65 - 70.
  • Lumare F., Scordella G., Zonno V., Di Muro P., Tessarin C. and Zanella L., 1996. Morphometric study of the wild populations of Penaeus kerathurus, Forskäl, 1775, from Acquatina and Lesina lagoons (South - East Italian coast). Oebalia, 22: 57 -64.
  • De Wolfe T., Dehasque M., Candreva P., Cirillo A., Caggiano M., Lavens P., 1995. Nutritional and zootechnical aspects in the hatchery production of seabream Sparus aurata whitout algae: preliminary results. Larvi ’95 – Fish and Shelifish Larvicolture Symposium – European Aquacuture Society. Special publication n. 24 – Gent, Belgium.
  • Lumare F., Scordella G., Di Muro P., Tessarin C. e Zanella L., 1995. Definizione di modelli di allevamento di Penaeus monodon e P. japonicus (Decapoda, Penaeidae), nelle valli da pesca dell’alto Adriatico. In: Berletti M., Rossi R. e Spreafico E.. PIM per le zone lagunari dell’Alto Adriatico, Ricerche e Sperimentazioni 1988 – 1994: 125 - 140.
  • Caggiano M., Canese S., Lupo A., and Cirillo A., 1993.  Experiences of artificial reproduction and Irval rearing of sheepshead bream (Diplodus puntazzo) in the south of Italy. Poster presentation at World Aquaculture 1993 –  Torremolinos (Spain).
