Tecno.S.E.A. srl, established in September 2007, is a business venture created to exploit the business opportunities coming from many years of research activity carried out by the partners in the field of aquaculture at the University of Salento (formerly University of Lecce), in Lecce, Italy.
Tecno.S.E.A. srl offers to the fishery and aquaculture sectors innovative products and services, promoting the development of an environmentally and ethically sustainable approach by enterprises and institutions.
Tecno.S.E.A. srl is presently located within the premises of the Department of Biological and Environmental Science and Technology (Di.S.Te.B.A.), University of Salento. It has the use of sophisticated equipment and facilities which make it highly competitive in the local and international markets.


Tecno.S.E.A. srl is composed by 10 parners, among which the University of Salento, scientists and technicians of Di.S.Te.B.A., as well as expernal professionals.



Tecno.S.E.A. srl expertises derive from the many years of RTD activities carried out by the partners in the aquaculture sector. The core team is made by biology, biotechnology, environment and veterinary senior researchers, together with technicians possessing up to more than 20 years of experience in fish reproduction, rearing and marketing.
By realising effective and competitive solutions, Tecno.S.E.A. srl offers to the customers products and services of excellence to improve production management, product diversification and valorisation and to achieve the quality certification.


Tecno.S.E.A srl's laboratories and offices are located within the premises of Di.S.Te.B.A. and at the Fishery and Aquaculture Research Centre at Acquatina, of the University of Salento.
Besides its own equipment, Tecno.S.E.A. srl can use the scientific instrumentation and facilities belonging to Di.S.Te.B.A. in accordance with a specific agreement with the University of Salento.

Business name:
Tecno.S.E.A. srl – Tecnologie e Servizi di Eccellenza in Acquacoltura “Spin Off dell’Università del Salento”

Registered office:
Centro Ecotekne, c/o Di.S.Te.B.A Università del Salento, Strada prov.le Lecce-Monteroni - 73100 LECCE

Branch offices and laboratories:
Centro di Ricerche per la Pesca e l’Acquacoltura di Acquatina, loc. Frigole – 73100 Lecce

+39 0832 298684

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Contact person:
Dr. Vincenzo Zonno (Chief Executive Officer)